• [1910] Garry 2014/12/14 20:49

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    Young women today believe they have more job opportunities and a better chance of balancing parenting and a career than their mothers had at the same age, but then, for many, the picture becomes very much bleaker. A third do not believe there will ever be equal pay; a fifth say they have less respect and status in society than their mothers did; almost a third say they are less happy; and two thirds believe they are more prone to eating disorders and mental illness.
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    "Duke football has been the underdogs ever since I've gotten here," Blue Devils senior guard Dave Harding said. "We embrace that role. We're working to change that, obviously. But we know that we have a great challenge this Saturday playing the No. 1 team in the country, and we know that nobody is going to give us a chance to win."
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    "The comparisons are different. That doesn't mean that we don't have concerns," said the immigration minister, pointing to the tightening of restrictions on EU migrants claiming unemployment benefits, getting access to social housing and an increase in enforcement action against employers which used the migrant labour market to undercut wage rates.
  • [1906] Katherine 2014/12/14 18:28

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    The Shinawatras are popular with the poor, and their party has won every election since 2001, but they are reviled by many in the Thai elite, middle, and business classes, who accuse the family of dynastic ambitions, abuse of power, and corruption.
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    Tesla Motors Inc. jumped 7.9 percent to $137.36. The carmaker???s Model S, the electric car being investigated for a possible U.S. recall, was cleared of any safety defect in a review by Germany???s transportation regulator.
  • [1903] Deandre 2014/12/14 16:40

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    "For the team and the football club, it's vital to try to win a derby game. But the thing with a derby is the fact it doesn't matter who is playing well ??? you could be top or bottom of the table or near each other because in that game people do things which look extraordinary that they wouldn't do in a normal game. That's a derby."
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    Gross’s disenchantment with the administration over his treatment is shared by a growing number of U.S. lawmakers, who see him as one of the last victims of the Cold War and the decades-long freeze in U.S.-Cuba relations that has persisted despite Obama’s early pledges to work toward a thaw.