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    What sort of music do you like? lotensin buy china Over the past year, the Kensington and Chelsea Food Bank has served 489 people. The most common reason for using it is delays to benefits, followed by changes to benefits. Nationally, the Trussell Trust ??? the Christian charity behind 350 food banks across the UK, including this one ??? has found the same thing: 30 per cent come because the state has stopped its support. Charlotte told me that people describe a ???bureaucratic nightmare???: doctor???s forms are sent but never received; a wife becomes self-employed and benefits are stopped for the duration of the investigation into her earnings; a patient is discharged from hospital, and because his benefits were stopped while he was ill, he now has nothing. Some people have to be coaxed in; they tell the volunteers they???ve worked at a food bank themselves in the past. Lots say they???ll donate to the bank once they???re back on their feet, and some (cat food man, for instance) do. ???If they had it their own way, they???d go shopping for themselves,??? Tania Stanley, a 21-year-old volunteer on Jobseeker???s Allowance, said. I thought of the Waitrose bags being carried home all over Kensington and Chelsea; no one could tell who had done their shopping at the food bank.