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    "They fill out all the paperwork, they take it very seriously. They go out to every crime scene ??? and God knows there are plenty of them," Schwarz says. "And nothing ever happens; 97 percent of the cases in Juarez were never investigated. That was fascinating, and what I think the film wanted to portray was to show how it feels to be that person, how repetitive that feels and how hopeless they become. And, to me, that's the story of Juarez. And, in a larger way, that's a story of Mexico. It's a distrust that people have in the system from years of being powerless. They can't do anything, and their lives are at stake if they do."
  • [2556] Gerardo 2015/01/07 06:52

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    My battery's about to run out buy cheap perindopril To do so they'd have to overturn an eight-goal disadvantage over the next two games as things stand, with Munich leading 3-1 in Moscow at the time of writing. Whilst this may sound too tall an ask for most teams, most of us City fans won't need reminding that the last four games at the Etihad have seen them score three, five, seven and six respectively. Then again this is the Champions League, and there's a reason a team as hapless as Spurs were on Saturday aren't in it.