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    Anderson returns, and delivers a short, wide delivery, delivered to the boundary, wide of point, by Warner. England are bedraggled, like a dog left out in a storm, like a book left out in the sun. "Maybe the coming tests would be more of a contest if England was allowed?to have three innings," suggests Allan Myers, and it's a mark of quite what's going on here that you'd still probably back Australia to win. I'm in an office alone. I've just shouted expletives. Anderson induces an edge from a squared Rogers and Prior leans, then decides against it if we're being kind, bottles it if we're not, and Cook, forced to move late and go one-handed, spills it. Prior turns away very quickly indeed.
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    The argument on MP’s pay is even stronger as it raises no issues of international law. The Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority (Ipsa) is independent in name but not in fact. It was created by Act of Parliament and can be overridden by a subsequent act. I have no personal quarrel with Ipsa and the minimal dealings I have had with it have been carried out with courtesy and efficiency, but constitutionally its creation was a mistake. The House of Commons needs to govern its own affairs not because of its own self-created status but because the only group to whom it can properly be accountable is the electorate. It is wrong for any quango to be set up between the Commons and the voters and in many ways it is a pretence that such a quango may only exist by Parliament’s Fiat. Thus if the three party leaders wish to stop the proposed pay rise they ought to sponsor a bill either abolishing Ipsa altogether or overriding it in this instance. It is encouraging that the Prime Minister seems to be moving in this direction. Accountability is to the British people not to unelected bureaucrats.
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    In today???s report, Ben Still, chief executive of the Sheffield City Region Local Enterprise Partnership, argues South Yorkshire will be one of the big beneficiaries of the route by improving links for workers.