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    Those involved in Ukraine's anti-government rally in Kiev are calling the protest a "decisive moment". Organisers are hoping the crowds will exceed last Sunday's demonstration, which witnessed crowds of up to 100,000 people.
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    The 70 other innovations that won grants through Gates' Grand Challenges Explorations include efforts to harness data for humanitarian aid in crises or to support education in Nairobi slums and labor-saving technology for women farming small plots of land in sub-Saharan Africa. Unsurprisingly, the condom news seemed to get the most buzz – and the requisite puns.
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    China's air defence identification zone (ADIZ) creates an overlapping area over the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands, which are claimed by both China and Japan. As the parties test each other's resolve, a rapidly escalating war of words is breaking out to pre-emptively assign blame if the military sabre-rattling ends in actual conflict.
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    Radcliffe says he was doing a Q&A recently and somebody in the audience asked why he played such weird parts. He looks pleased when he tells the story. "I can't put it down to anything more than that I've got weird taste. There have been plenty of weird roles so far, and more to come, I?hope. I pick films based on scripts and directors and parts. I think I've got good taste, but it's slightly left of centre. I'm not interested in making films I've seen before. There's nothing more exciting to me when I read a script than originality. That's all it's governed by; there's no master plan to distance myself from Potter with every role."
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    Has the coalition served its purpose? It would appear, on these figures, to have been an opportunity almost entirely thrown away. Cameron and Chancellor George Osborne ducked the tough choices. Firmer action on public spending in 2010-11 might have spared us the prospect now of a debt slavery stretching out as far ahead as we can see.
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    So, do you start him the rest of the way? That really depends who else you have on your roster, but the prospects of another performance like this one are very slim indeed. Sunday’s output was the result of a perfect storm of circumstances – from the match-up with a struggling rookie to the fact that Denver fell behind early and needed to score often against a defense that was rolling its coverage heavily toward Wes Welker. There may be more good weeks ahead for Decker, but there will not be another like this one.
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    Desperate to do their bit, queues of donors patiently waited for three hours to give blood to those who were injured. The landlords at the nearby Roundhouse pub, Jim and Josie Brill, were also singled out for praise after opening the doors to their pub to rescuers, emergency workers and survivors.
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    Against a background of high debt and weak investment growth, former U.S. Treasury secretary Larry Summers said recently that real interest rates consistent with full employment could now be minus 2-3 percent, meaning central banks would struggle to spur a return to growth.